Rain, rain bring me vivid colors everywhere!
Mr. McNutty, my squirrel friend and frequent backyard visitor
Celebrating the Outdoors on Waldon Heights!
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Celebrating the Outdoors on Waldon Heights!
Blooms and Neighborhood Buddies
What would summer be like this year in 2010 without celebrating the outdoors in San Antonio? Yes, it's getting hotter, but unlike last summer with its drought and excessive heat, we have had beautiful flowers and shrubs blooming and green grass everywhere! Due to the gentle rains and easy spring, summer tiptoed in with lots of benefits. I have been thrilled with the local color, and I don't want to forget the beauty all around me. That's why I wanted to share my photos of critters and flowers that I snapped this summer in my yard in Braun Station West.
Sometimes, we take for granted the wonders of nature. But, if we're lucky enough to have a yard in the suburbs or city, there is hum of life, a web of life, and a dazzle of life right under our noses. Just last night, I heard our little front pond's resident toad doing his croaking mating call. This morning during a coffee break, I witnessed a green hummingbird whiz by my red geraniums. And, this afternoon, I felt almost lulled into a meditative moment by the cooing of the backyard doves' call.
I'll need to get busy painting some of the good things in my life. Look for flowers, squirrels, birds, and more in my future paintings. I'll keep you posted.
Sending my Summer Best,
Cindy Morawski
Mockingbird Studio and Gallery
8603 Waldon Hts.
San Antonio, TX 78254
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